This has been our "strong point" since the beginning because we treat our guests as though they were the family. We've always offered authentic cuisine which reflects our region's variety and simplicity. In addition, we've always chosen our ingredients carefully, because that's where everything starts. Rediscovering flavours of the past. It has been said that, in addition to its rustic elegance, the cuisine of Umbria is packed full of ancient memories: Etruscan, Roman, medieval, artistic and spiritual. The food in the home is as tasty that in the restaurants, and restaurant hospitality makes you feel more like friends than patrons. This has been our way for over 30 years. Our "kitchen" is thus also partly yours. There really is something for all tastes: from dishes of peasant origin — gnocchi al sugo d'oca [goose sauce], pappardelle al cinghiale [wild boar], pasta e ceci [pasta with chickpeas], pasta co 'i rigaji [with giblets] — to newer dishes which still maintain a link with our regional tradition, such as risotto al tartufo e limone [truffles and lemon] and gnocchi al tartufo e pecorino [with truffles and pecorino cheese]. There is also no shortage of homemade pasta and grilled meats. In the evening, there are also pizzas cooked in a wood oven, made from flour from the middle Tiber valley and extra virgin olive oil, and seasoned with Colfiorito mozzarella.


Our restaurant is located on the lower floor of the farmhouse, in a traditional setting featuring arches, beamed ceilings and terracotta floors. The old cellars, stables, granaries and annexes of the central building were converted into typical restaurant rooms while still retaining the building's original features. Large verandas have been added with a splendid view of the adjacent oak forest and swimming pool.


The restaurant has seven rooms of different sizes and can therefore accommodate anything from a business lunch to a banquet. The hall, which can accommodate up to 150 people, is the largest room in the village, and is often used for important events such as weddings, seminars and conferences. In good weather you can eat outdoors, under a cool wooden portico or under the trees. A relaxed atmosphere for a return to tradition, rediscovering the authentic scents of the Umbrian countryside.


To offer a gluten-free but tasteful cuisine. This is our culinary creed. Gluten-free does not mean tasteless and unattractive! Totally safe, and compliant with the most up-to-date restrictions in terms of gluten-free cuisine. Our goal us to allow those who suffer from coeliac disease to rediscover the pleasure of sharing good food with friends, by giving them the opportunity to eat many traditional specialties once more. As part of our constant search for innovation, and in keeping with the rich local culinary tradition, our restaurant has been offering a complete menu for those with coeliac disease for some time. This illness affects many members of our society, and we are committed to making it possible for them to eat out in restaurants without risking their health and safety. We are thus equipped to cook tasty dishes of the Umbrian gastronomic tradition while following the strict guidelines for coeliacs, including our flavoursome pizzas (prepared with gluten-free flour) which are every bit as good as our other pizzas. You can thus spend a pleasant, problem-free evening. To date, ours is the only restaurant in Marsciano to have been certified by the AIC (Associazione Italiana Celiachia [Italian Coeliac Association]).


Closing day: MONDAY AIC [Italian Coeliac Association]-certified restaurant Hours: Restaurant: 12:30 to 14:30 / 19:30 to 22:30 Pizzeria: 19:30 / 23:30 After 22:30, pastas, pizzas, side dishes, desserts, ice creams and drinks will be served.


The Oasi Villaggio restaurant in Perugia (Marsciano) ensures the highest quality standards by selecting the best ingredients: from fine truffles to well-known cold cuts, from extra virgin olive oil to lamb and pork from local farms. In addition, most of our dishes are freshly cooked: we therefore invite you to enjoy your experience in our restaurant to the fullest. The kitchen staff are proud of the quality and safety standards achieved thanks to the preventive food control system (H.A.C.C.P. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points — Legislative Decree No. 155 of 26/5/97). This allows us to vary the menu according to the season, and to offer you a variety of different culinary experiences while you are guests of our establishment. The Oasi restaurant is also certified by the AIC — the Italian Coeliac Association — and it offers tasty dishes of the Umbrian gastronomic tradition plus flavoursome pizzas, following the strict guidelines for coeliacs.

ANTIPASTI - per iniziare e non solo!

  • la polentina macinata a pietra con verza e funghi su fonduta di pecorino nostrano
  • il carpaccio di vitello con ricotta e tartufo su insalatina verde con riduzione di rosso di Montefalco
  • il carpaccio di sedano rapa, grana, miele e semi croccanti
  • la parmigiana di cipolle di Cannara con sfoglia croccante di pane integrale
  • le bruschette umbre – tre fette di pane casareccio bruscato condite con il patè di mamma Rita, la sella di San Venanzo e il tartufo nero di Norcia
  • il prosciutto al coltello con la nostra torta al testo
  • il tagliere oasi – salumi artigianali locali, pecorino con marmellata, bruschette con patè misti, torta al testo
  • le uova strapazzate con lamelle di tartufo nerodi Norcia

PRIMI - le nostre paste fatte in casa

  • le casarecce semi-integrali con broccoli , acciughe e mollica croccante
  • gli gnocchi di patate su crema di barbabietola rossa e grana con fiocchi di gorgonzola dolce
  • le tagliatelle al ragù bianco di Chianina
  • gli umbricelli alla furente con sugo piccante di pomodoro a filetti, aglio, prezzemolo, peperoncino e scaglie di pecorino
  • le tagliatelle con lamelle di tartufo e burro semi-salato
  • il risotto al tartufo e limone specialità oasi

SECONDI - Carne buona perchè cotta sul fuoco

  • stringhette & salsicce con erbe campagnole cotte e un piccolo spicchio della nostra torta al testo
  • i fegatelli di maiale nella rete con alloro
  • lo scottadito d’agnello (3 costine)
  • la bistecca di manzo alla brace (in media 500 g)
  • il filetto intarsiato al pepe verde (pezzatura media 220-250 g)
  • il filetto di maiale al marsala con funghi trifolati e porro croccante
  • gli straccetti di vitello alla salvia e rosmarino


  • l’orto nel piatto- misto di verdure di stagione cotte al forno e alla griglia
  • la fagiolina del lago Trasimeno con piccola bruschetta all’aglio
  • verdura cotta di stagione con la nostra torta al testo
  • le patate al forno della tradizione
  • insalata mista di stagione


  • ASSISI (stracchino, mozzarella, funghi, prosciutto di Norcia
  • BRESAOLA (mozzarella, rucola, bresaola)
  • ESTIVA (mozzarella, pomodorini, rucola. mozzarella di bufala e scaglie di grana)
  • ITALIA (pomodoro, mozzarella, rucola)
  • MARSCIANESE (pomodoro, mozzarella, pachini, cipolla, maggiorana)
  • NORCIA (pomodoro, mozzarella, prosciutto di Norcia, tartufo nero)
  • OASI (ingredienti a sorpresa)
  • PATATE E SALSICCE (mozzarella, patate e salsicce)
  • TARTUFO BIANCA (mozzarella, funghi, tartufo nero)
  • TARTUFO ROSSA (pomodoro, mozzarella, funghi e tartufo nero)


  • BOSCAIOLA (pomodoro, mozzarella, funghi, salsiccia)
  • CAPRICCIOSA (pomodoro, mozzarella, carciofi, funghi, prosciutto, olive)
  • DRAGO (pomodoro, mozzarella, salame piccante)
  • FORMAGGI BIANCA (mozzarella, parmigiano, emmenthal, pecorino)
  • FRANCESCANA (pomodoro, mozzarella, funghi, prosciutto crudo)
  • FUNGHI (pomodoro, mozzarella, funghi)
  • LATTE (mozzarella)
  • MARGHERITA (pomodoro, mozzarella)
  • MARINARA (pomodoro, aglio, origano)
  • NAPOLETANA (pomodoro, mozzarella, capperi, alici)
  • ORTOLANA (pomodoro, mozzarella, funghi, melanzane, zucchine)
  • PERUGINA (pomodoro, mozzarella, salsiccia)
  • POMODORO (pomodoro, origano)
  • PORCA VACCA (pomodoro, mozzarella, formaggi, prosciutto cotto)
  • PROSCIUTTO (pomodoro, mozzarella, prosciutto di Norcia)
  • 4 STAGIONI (pomodoro, mozzarella, funghi, carciofi, uovo, olive, prosciutto)
  • WURSTEL (pomodoro, mozzarella, wurstel)

Disponibile anche senza glutine
Disponibile anche ai grani antichi
Ricca di fibre e con bassissima presenza di glutine, particolarmente digeribile e fragrante

DESSERT - fatti da noi per concludere in dolcezza

  • il semifreddo alle mandorle caramellate
  • il crumble di mele con gelato fior di latte e un pizzico di cannella
  • la zuppa inglese
  • la panna cotta (frutti di bosco, caramello, cioccolato)
  • l’insalata di frutta Oasi